Directions: For each of the problems below, choose the correct answer from the choices given.

136. There are 36 reams of bond paper in a drawer. If 1 ¼ dozens of reams of paper were to be used in printing, how many reams should be left in the drawer?

1. 15 
2. 20 
3. 21
4. 22 
5. 23

137. If a poster, which is 3 inches wide and 5 inches long, is enlarged such that the ratio of the width to the length is maintained, how many inches long will it be if the new width is 9 inches?

1. 11 
2. 13 
3. 15
4. 25 
5. 27

138. If a worker can wash all the glass windows of a building in 9 days, what part of the job can the workers finish in 6 days?

1. ¼ 
2. 1/3 
3. 2/3
4. 3/5 
5. ¾

139. Ms. Cortez bought 20 blouses for P2, 400 and marked them to sell at P145 each. After selling 16 pieces at this rate, she decided to sell the remaining blouses at a lower price. At what price may she sell each remaining blouse and still realize a profit of P480 on the 20 blouses?

1. P143 
2. P140 
3. P138
4. P135 
5. P133

140. In a room of ten people, how many handshakes will there be if every person shakes hands with everyone else exactly once?

1. 10 
2. 45 
3. 54
4. 60 
5. 81

141. The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than its denominator. If 3 added to both the numerator and the denominator the resulting number is ¾. What is the original fraction?

1. 8.14 
2. 9/12 
3. 10/12
4. 9/13 
5. 10/13

142. Mang Gustin can climb a coconut tree at the rate of 10 ft. per minute and return at 20 ft. per minute. If it took him 3 minutes to climb and return, what is the height of the coconut tree?

1.20 ft. 
2. 18 ft. 
3. 15 ft.
4. 13 ft. 
5. 10 ft.

143. A fence is to be on posts 8 meters apart around a rectangular lot that measures 40 meters long and 16 meters wide. How many posts are needed, including the ones placed at each corner, to fence the entire lot?

1. 20 
2. 18 
3. 16
4. 14 
5. 12

144. How many degrees are there in the angle made by the hands of a clock at 4 o’clock?

1. 150o 
2. 120 o 
3. 95 o
4. 80 o 
5. 20 o

145. The co-operative trust fund is P500,000. Part of the fund is invested at an annual interest rate of 6% and the rest is invested at an annual interest rate of 8%. If the income from both investments is P39,000, how much is invested at each rate?

1. P100,000 at 6%; P400,000 at 8%
2. P80,000 at 6%; P420,000 at 8%
3. P75,000 at 6%; P425,000 at 8%
4. P50,000 at 6%; P450,000 at 8%
5. P25,000 at 6%; P475,000 at 8%

146. The entrance fee in a carnival is P50 for an adult and P25 for a child. Ferdie pays P225 for the entrance fee of his family. If his family has equal number of adults and children, how many are they in the family?

1. 12 
2. 10 
3. 8
4. 6 
5. 4

147. The area of a rectangular field is 9,000 square meters. If the ratio of the width to the length is 5 is to 8, what is the length of the rectangular field in meters?

1. 112 
2. 120 
3. 150
4. 225 
5. 346

148. If a patient weighs 105 kg. And is 12.5% underweight, how many more kilograms should the patient weigh?

1. 5 
2. 10 
3. 12
4. 13 
5. 15

149. A tenant gets 4 sacks of palay for every 7 sacks harvested. Following this ratio, how many sacks of palay would the tenant get if 560 sacks were harvested?

1. 140 
2. 280 
3. 300
4. 320 
5. 350

150. A dealer sold a certain number of portable TV sets at P6,400 each. The dealer would have taken in as much money had 3 fewer sets been sold at P7,680. How many sets were sold at P6,400?

1. 9 
2. 12 
3. 14
4. 16 
5. 18

Directions: The following items pertain to the Philippine Constitution, Peace and Human Rights Concepts, R.A. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees), Values, and Environmental Protection and Conservation. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer from the given options. On your Answer Sheet, shade completely the box that corresponds to your answer.

151. Elective or appointive public officials or employees cannot accept any present, compensation, office or title of any kind from any foreign government without the consent of

1. The President 
2. The Ombudsman 
3. The Chief Justice
4. The Agency Head 
5. Congress

152. Which of the following rights ensure the well-being of the individual and foster preservation, enrichment and dynamic evolution of national culture based on the principle of unity in diversity in a climate of free artistic and intellectual expression?

1. Political rights 
2. Civil rights 
3. Inherent rights
4. Cultural rights 
5. Economic and Social rights

153. Right that guarantees similar treatment to all persons similarly situated and precludes arbitrary or unjust discrimination to secure and safeguard such right is called the _________.

1. right against double jeopardy
2. right to just compensation
3. right to equal protection of the law
4. right to due process of law
5. right to profess one’s faith or religion

154. The right to privacy of a person is defined as one’s right to __________.

1. go where one pleases
2. believe whatever one wishes
3. build a home wherever one chooses
4. be a member of any group
5. be free from unwarranted publicity

155. A voter is disqualified from exercising the right to suffrage if said voter __________.

1. is illiterate
2. is poor
3. is a naturalized Filipino citizen
4. turned 20 years old just before the election
5. has been a resident of the Philippine for less than six months

156. Who may be appointed as member of the Cabinet without needing confirmation from the Commission on Appointments?

1. Senate President 
2. Any Senator 
3. Vice-President
4. Speaker of the House 
5. Any Congress Representative

157. The right of private individuals to secure for themselves the enjoyment of their means of happiness such as the right to a name, the right to form a family, and the right to security of personal papers and effects are called ___________.

1. Economic and Social Rights 
2. Cultural Rights 
3. Civil Rights
4. Inherent rights 
5. Political rights

158. At least how many years after the Constitution has been ratified may the people propose amendments through initiative?

1. Ten 
2. Seven 
3. Six
4. Five 
5. Three

159. Which of the following sectors is NOT represented in the House of Representatives through the party-list system?

1. Religious 
2. Youth 
3. Women
4. Peasant 
5. Labor

160. Which of the following government agencies exercises original and exclusive jurisdiction over all contests relating to the election returns and the qualifications of the President and the Vice President?

1. Supreme Court 
2. Senate Electoral Tribunal 
3. Judicial Bar Council
4. Commission on Elections 
5. Commission on Appointments

161. Who among the following is responsible for determining the existence of probable cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest or search warrant?

1. Lawyer 
2. Prosecutor 
3. Plaintiff
4. Judge 
5. Police Investigator

162. Which of the following statements BEST describes the relationship between global warming ozone depletion?

1. Global warming contributes to ozone depletion.
2. Global warming and ozone depletion have nothing to do with each other
3. Excessive build-up of carbon dioxide causes both global warming and ozone depletion
4. Ozone depletion contributes to global warming
5. Ozone depletion and global warming are synonyms

163. Monoculture cropping or planting a single crop in a large area is not advisable because it…

1. requires more water
2. requires less fertilizers
3. causes drought
4. lowers the water table
5. promotes pest infestation

164. Which of the following is the major cause of coral reef destruction?

1. Dynamite fishing 
2. Muro-Ami 
3. Oil Spill
4. Sewage pollution 
5. Siltation

165. The lasting environmental impact of a large-scale mining operation comes from…

1. air pollution
2. noise pollution
3. deforestation
4. mine railings
5. unrestored mined out areas

166. Jaywalking, throwing garbage anywhere vandalism, not waiting in line, and tardiness are manifestations of __________.

1. disorderliness
2. lack of discipline
3. lack of sense of property
4. lack of punctuality
5. disregard for other people’s property

167. Fishery resource in marine and coastal waters may be considered as “open access resources” because of the __________.

1. mobile nature of fish and water
2. difficulty in marking sea boundaries
3. proliferation of fish pens
4. overfishing in municipal waters
5. increasing demand for fish, which is rich in protein

168. Every government agency is required to develop, update regularly, and make available to the transacting public __________.

1. the names of action officers
2. the performance targets
3. the rates of service fees
4. a service guide
5. a directory of officials

169. Within the provided periods of time, public officials and employees are required to file their statement of assets and liabilities and financial disclosure in the following instances EXCEPT __________.

1. compulsory retirement
2. voluntary resignation
3. acceptance of foreign scholarship
4. assumption to office
5. expiration of the term of office

170. For expenditures processing of documents, except otherwise provided by law or regulation, how many initials or signature must any written action or decision contain?

1. 6 
2. 5 
3. 4
4. 3 
5. 2